Free web television project






  The FreeTW history

    The FreeTW team knowledge started in 1972 with a bulky and rusty IBM 360.





Twenty five years experiencing in audio-video digitizing


 2007 - today  FreeTW

 2000 - 2006  Spray3D and FastVR  -  3D digitizing, virtual and augmented reality

 1994 - 1999   digitizing and virtual reality for artistic installations with the italian artist Piero Gilardi

 1990 - 1993   "Leonardo" digitizer and microscope for color registry operations on very huge printing machines

 1986 - 1989   "Look and Show" working on the SinclairQL - color digitizing for TV and Camera signals

                            ( working only with a unique capture card... the SPEM digitizer made by Guido Masoero )

 1983 - 1985  first "Look and Show" version - black and white digitizer on the ZX Sinclair Spectrum






 FreeTW in the 1986


The jurassic FreeTW that was able to capture Composite Video and RGB sources.



Another QL application allowed to create 24 fps movies …

These images were found on the QLer Salvador Merino Website :



 We will not collaborate with any non-ethical organizations and we will not participate either to military, industrial or scientific projects that imply vivisection or any form of sufference and pain caused to humans and animals.

The FreeTw team




    no spyware no spam no virus no patents ...and NO MONOPOLY !




 Copyright (C) Livio Cicala 2008

 All rights reserved, trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. All material and 'provided "in that state is" without warranty of any kind, either implied that expressed, including but not limited to : Warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose to the guarantee of non-infringement in relation to a service, materials or products.  Decline any and all liability against anyone for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages of any kind in relation to information and software of this site.


Programmers: Livio Cicala, Roberto Cena

Beta testers: Beppe, Marco (Mr.Five), Luca (the turtle), Enrico Gribaudi

Collaborators and friends: Paolo (Caio), Guido (S.P.E.M.), Piero Gilardi